Day 6–8 (Jan. 14)

Our first full Saturday was a very busy day. We created a prototype for the ball intake and worked on the chassis modification (C channel shape). We created a proof of concept in CAD for the ball intake, and a elevator for the switch.  We obtained additional colored vinyl to build our “switch color wheel”.…
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Day 3-5

On Tuesday, we continued to work with Mr. Zabell to plan the configuration of the game field. We proceeded with designing and creating a strategy. Additionally, we practiced our 3D printing skills for prototyping and continued planning for our chairman’s video. Finally, we put the finishing touches on our flyer for our event, the Regal…
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Day 0 – 2

Our team watched the live stream and then we began to read the manual. By the afternoon we started generating ideas for a ball intake and a shooting mechanism. Our former captain Blake von der Esch (right) even stopped by to help! The following are some ideas we considered: Ball intake and shooting ideas: With…
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