Week 9

Robot fixes This week was mostly fixing what broke on the robot during Hofstra while also add improvements. We added rubber bands around the robot to make sure the notes don’t get stuck on top of our robot. We also made some changes to the climber in hopes of it preforming better. New wings were…
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Hofstra Regional

From March 21 to March 23 we went to the Hofstra Regional to compete. Matches: We had some issues in the matches like connectivity, intake, and notes falling on our robot. We ended up doing good as we hit a four not auton and scored multiple times in the amp and speaker. While we didn’t…
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Week 8

Preparation: This week was mostly preparation for the Hofstra Regional. We packed the items needed for the pit and finalized our robot’s mechanism. Hofstra Regionals: This year we went to the Hofstra regionals. Read more here: https://team2869.org/build-blog/hofstra-regional/

Week 7

Auton. Practice This week we practiced auton. a lot on a half field. We were able to get a four note auton (5 in 17 seconds). Driver Team: This week our driver team got more practice with the half field. We also built a new driver station that has two layers. One for thee computer…
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Week 6

Regal Rampage: We held our biggest Rampage yet with 26 teams participating. We also turned a massive profit from the abundance of food, teams, and snacks. Rampage Extension: This time we worked with the Syosset Brave to get one more week to have the entire field set up for teams to play. 10 different teams…
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Week 5

KOP Bot: This week the KOP Bot team worked on adding aclimber to the bot. Once the climber was fully assembled, they attached. They also worked on adding a amp shooter. Shooter: The shooter team attached the shooter with the pivot motor to the elevator on the practice robot. They also fixed the saize for…
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Week 4

Mechanical: This week we worked on all the major componets: the intake, the shooter, the bumpers, and the elevator. The KOP Bot was completed and programmed to drive. A climbing component was started and this will be added to the KOP Bot. Intake: The intake team worked on adding the turnbuckle and adjusting the chain.…
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Week 3

Mechanical: Mounted the pivot plates, removed silicon, replaced steel shafts, and shooter plates are being recut of CNC. We had to change the placement of the battery so it was not rested and laid down horizontally since the cable routing wouldn’t work that way. Because of this, we had to move the shaft plates up…
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Week 2

Mechanical: Bumpers: Put brackets on the outside bumper and predrilled the pilot holes in the wood of the bumpers. We taped the pool noodles together of to structure the bumpers. Re-checked the bumper measurement before attaching the pool noodles together and successfully taped the pool noodles for the 2nd bumper. KOP Bot: They installed the…
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Week 1

Mechanical: Elevator: The elevator team started by cutting metal for the outer and inner stages of the elevator. The outer stage consists of 2 16-inch aluminum pre-drilled pieces and the inner had 2 17 inch pieces. We then took the bearing blocks of the practice elevator we made and installed them on the new pieces…
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