This week we programmed our robot to be able to do 90 degree and 180 degree turns for the driver to use. We also have a feature for the robot to sort of parallel park to make the job easier for the driver. This feature can be used so our robot can be placed in the proper position so we can get the most accurate shot.
Our electrical team has finished the electrical panel for our robot. We are getting ready to place the panel on our robot since we have decided to use a C-chassis. This design will help our robot with the intake. We have made a lot of progress on our climber and shooter for the robot. We were originally planning on using the intake as a shooter but we started making another intake prototype. We have pretty much finalized our shooting design so we are going to be making the actual shooter sometime soon. Our hangar prototype was a success so a part of our mechanical team has been working on the full-sized hangar. Now we are making the arms for the robot. This will be used to move the ball to the proper angle to be shot at.

Our carpentry team’s progress on our field for Regal Eagles Rampage has been phenomenal. We have many of the pieces made out of wood for our field for our Week 0 games of the season. We are getting ready to assemble these pieces of wood into full game pieces.
Two of our sponsors named Vengo Labs and Alegna Soap came to visit us! We showed them our process in building our robot and our work ethic. Then we took pictures with them.