Due to having midterms throughout week 3 of the build season, we have decided to merge our week 3 and week 4 blogs to stay on track. Our CAD (Computer Aided Design) team has been making our piston intake, arm, and the total robot CAD. We have prototyped our grabber mechanism for the robot in order for our robot to grab the cones and cubes on the field of the game. Our carpentry team has been making our field and pieces in order for teams to compete in Regal Eagle Rampage which 12+ teams will attend to practice for competitions and test out their robots in a friendly environment in our schools gymnasium throughout the morning and afternoon of Sunday March 5, 2023. Parts of the carpentry team are also painting the pieces their respective colors on the field (red and blue). We are finalizing our panel design for the robot and the programming team has the swerve chassis moving and functioning. Our motor team assembled the motor for the arm of the robot with piston housing construction as well. Our autonomous is functioning and with trajectory following and we have iterations of 3d printed parts. We are excited to finish and face our competitors in Regal Eagle Rampage and at competitions!